Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Halfway Point

It's official - this last day in February marks our halfway point of the MBA program. We are six months in, with six months left to go. Usually, it's times like these where I'd reflect and think, "Wow! Time has flown!" or "It feels like so much longer than that." But in actuality, it feels pretty accurate this time. At this point, I am just looking forward to having March Break, which will be the first time in six months that my mind will be free from school!

As for this year-long program, I just caught an article about one-year MBAs. As the article mentions, one year programs are becoming more prevalent. Personally, my decision to attend HEC Montreal over York University (Schulich) was somewhat made due to the quicker pace of the program. At the time I was making my decision, I was concerned about what employers would think. One alumnus of HEC Montreal assured me that the one-year length had not hindered him during his job search, and in fact, when it was brought up, potential employers thought he had made a smart choice.

I also saw in the news this morning that Canada will have its first Real Housewives. Hopefully, this cast of Vancouver women won't destroy Canada's reputation too badly. Can't we have better female Canadian role models on TV?

Tomorrow, our Littlefield Technologies simulation analysis is due. In the end, my team finished in fourth place. For this particular simulation, it was almost a good thing to make mistakes because we had material to elaborate on for the report.

For anyone who might be interested, I saw that there is an MBA Challenge Video Contest for MBA students and graduates who are changing the world. MBA students are always involved in projects that help to make the world a better place. Here's an opportunity to show the world what you've got!


  1. I liked this blog at the halfway point. Seems to me it's going quickly but then again I'm not reading the assignments or writing the papers. Enjoy your well deserved break.
