Saturday, February 25, 2012

Top Rank

There is some very good news from another recent business school ranking. HEC Montreal has been ranked 30th in the North America MBA rankings according to the 2012 QS Global Business School Report. The full list of the top 200 schools in North America can be found here.

I often think about the difference between my BA and my MBA programs. The MBA is generally positively valued and people consider it to be a very worthwhile degree. It contributes to growth in both "hard" skills and "soft" skills. On the other hand, people typically do not have the same view of a BA since it's mainly focused on "soft" skills. I have to say, though, I value both equally. At the very least, my BA has provided me with great fodder for dinner party conversation, but in all seriousness, it has given me analytical and communication tools, while providing me with a different perspective.

Today, I was a student tour guide for prospective HEC Montreal MBA students. I am definitely enjoying these experiences that provide me with insight into my potential future career in university relations and administration.


  1. Hi Lori,

    I work out of the New York office for QS. Thanks for spreading the word about the Global 200 Business School Report.

    I've enjoyed reading your blog and I was wondering if you would be interested in writing for a new site called Top MBA Connect. I have a topic in mind for you so I hope you'll contact me for more details.



    1. Hi Nicole,

      Thank you for your interest in my blog! I would definitely be interested in the opportunity to write for Top MBA Connect. If you could provide me with more details, that would be great.

      Thanks again,

  2. Hi Lori,

    I'm happy to hear that you are interested in the opportunity to write for us. I was wondering if you would be interested in writing an article about why you chose a one-year MBA program that's around 750-1000 words. If you can email me at nicole at topmbaconnect dot com, I can send you the guidelines.


