Monday, April 30, 2012

A New Semester Has Come

It's only Day 1 of the new P6 semester and I'm already exhausted. In P6, I will be taking the following classes:  Services Marketing, From Boss to Coach:  Managing Performance, Digital Marketing Strategy, Managers and Negotiation, and Selling and Negotiating. Today, I had the first two, and tomorrow will be the remaining three classes. So far, I am very happy with how it's going. My Services Marketing and Digital Marketing Strategy classes are with a professor I had for Global Marketing in P5, so I already know what to expect there. As for From Boss to Coach, it is great to have another course that is focused on self-reflection (like Visionary and Entrepreneurial Thinking from P5), since a good manager needs to consider past experience and current stance before figuring out where to go and how to get there.

Everything has been much quieter and calmer now that the undergrads aren't around. The bus is empty, as are the halls of the school. I'm hoping it stays like this until graduation!

There are so many other things that I'm thinking about that it seems impossible to focus on this new semester, though. First of all, I have my Louis Vuitton (LV) interview tomorrow. When doing a bit of research and preparation, I came across this LV image:

LV and a cupcake together?! Now I'm even more determined to have a great interview! And when it rains it pours, so they say. My schedule this week is getting busy, as I will also be meeting with someone from MBA recruitment at McGill to discuss a position there.

I saw a great opportunity recently for women who own or run businesses. PROFIT/Chatelaine is seeking Canada's top female entrepreneurs for its W100 program. More details about the benefits of getting involved and nomination criteria can be found here. Additionally, I saw two interesting articles about Canadian businesses this weekend. The first article was about Canadian hospitality and a Business Insider writer's excellent customer service experience, as compared to the US. The second article was about Canadian companies moving to Silicon Valley, with the help of an organization called C100.

Lastly, considering my current studies at HEC Montreal and my potential opportunity at McGill's MBA program, a recent Gazette article about the costs and rewards of doing an MBA was particularly interesting. The article features three MBA programs, two of which are HEC Montreal and McGill.

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