For yesterday's Leadership and Personal Change class, we had guest speaker Eva Azoulay, Vice President of Strategic Planning & Marketing at Pratt & Whitney Canada, who spoke about leadership. As a strong and ambitious professional (who also has an MBA), she was the perfect person to encourage us as we transition into our next leadership roles.
And now my MBA year is officially over! After my team's presentation (above) on the Honest Tea/Susan G. Komen corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative, a finalization of our blog assignment, and a submission of my contribution to class discussion grade for Responsible Marketing, I can happily say my MBA duties are complete. No more assignments, class participation, etc. I am no longer an MBA student, but a proud graduate.
I wanted to thank my fellow classmates, professors, administrators, friends, family, boo, blog readers, and anyone who I interacted with this year. You have all contributed to my MBA experience in an amazing way. Though there were always ups and downs, challenges and victories, it was an incredible year. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support, help, and encouragement. I couldn't have done it without you.