Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Great McGillian

Today was a long day! I woke up at 6:00 in the morning, as usual, and went to my Economics class, where we received our assignment that's due in one week. After class, my group met to work on a couple of our group assignments. Unfortunately, there's a particular study room in the school that we like to use and that we've been utilizing for the past few weeks, but we were forced to leave when we realized that we have to use the formal booking system through the library to stay in the room. But at least we are now booked in the room for Sunday all day!

We stopped our group work around 6:00 PM when we all headed over to the Salon National for our  Thursday 5@7 celebration. It was a great opportunity to let our hair down, mingle... essentially eat, drink, and be merry. Even after spending a couple hours there, one of my group members and I went back to our work, but I only got a bit done due to fatigue. Even though I'm supposed to meet my group at 8:30 tomorrow morning, I'm going to try to sleep in, so I can be a successfully contributing group member.

One of the things that's funny about our course readings is that we've had quite a few theoretical articles by Henry Mintzberg. Not one professor mentioned that he lives here in Montreal! I had no idea! I just learned that not only does he live in Montreal, but he works at McGill. Now I'm looking forward to reading Managing even more than I was before.

I thought I would share this interesting article about discussing emotional experiences as a way of connecting at business schools. I wouldn't say we rehash our emotional backgrounds, but we do have two "soft skills" courses that help us to self-reflect.

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